Subject: GoDoSeeBuy! Ambassador
To whom it may concern,
I am pupil in year 12 at a Grammar school and I am very interested in GoDoSeeBuy!. I would love to work with the magazine as an ambassador attempting to gain the magazine popularity with younger people.
I would like to be an ambassador for the magazine because I think that it is a fantastic initiative to rejuvenate The Big Issue by making younger people interested in solving problems that affect communities. I think that GoDoSeeBuy! is more attractive to simply giving as you are immediately involved in something that interests you whilst promoting the cause. Sometimes when people purchase a Big Issue they are not necessarily interested in the content of the magazine, you are solely interested in giving. However GoDoSeeBuy! is not simply direct charity, and I believe the combination of genuine interest with the will to give is more powerful.
As an ambassador I would promote GoDoSeeBuy! initially within my school by featuring it in the school newspaper, assemblies, through posters and with the use of social media. As my school is closely linked with the local Church I believe that this is also an opportunity to advertise the magazine to the wider community.
Yours sincerely,
William C, via email
GoDoSeeBuy! comment: We think this is a great idea, would others like to join William? Email and we’ll look into this further.
Visit Social Bite in Edinburgh, they’re the best thing since…
I like to support local businesses and those with a social conscience. Social Bite are supporting good causes and providing job opportunities for vulnerable people. And they’ve a great range of sandwiches & attractive salads so you can get a nice lunch while knowing that your cash is doing good.
I’d travelled to Edinburgh from Blyth in Northumberland.
Anne Donnelly – via email
Amazing response!
Dear GoDoSeeBuy!
The PRACTivate TICK TAKE TECH Team would like to thank you for your amazing support in getting the word out about our laptop re-cycling programme.
Within the first hour we had met and exceeded our minimum goal of 6 laptops!!!
Also, can we add a big thank you to the Impact Hub King’s Cross for hosting our collection day and those members who ticked those social repsonsibility boxes.
And we are not stopping now because every additional laptop we collect will make it possible for an exoffender or former gang member to boost their technology literacy on their path to a legitimate career in social enterprise.
Leslie Alfin
Executive Director
GoDoSeeBuy! adds, you can still donate laptop PCs to PRACTivate, click here for details.
Send your comments to:, or write to: GoDoSeeBuy! The Big Issue, 1-5 Wandsworth Road, London SW8 2LN or tweet to: @johnbirdswords
How Prisoners’ Education Trust helped LJ Flanders turn a stretch into a fully integrated fitness manual…
In Issue 1 of GoDoSeeBuy! we spoke with Ivo Gormley, who set up Good Gym out of a “frustration with all the energy being wasted in gyms, lifting things that didn’t need lifting or running nowhere on a treadmill!”
LJ Flanders has taken a similar gym-free approach to getting fit and staying fit in his book Cell Workout. The idea for the book came to him when he was a prisoner.
“When I went to prison, I took an interest in fitness,” says LJ, pictured above. “I used to go to the gym a lot and I then found out about a gym instructor course, which I applied for even though I was on remand at the time. I kind of said, I’m going to be here, I’m not walking out of court. I knew that much… And it was the best thing that happened. The course was funded by The Prisoners’ Education Trust. Some people flunked out of the course, whereas I thought, you’ve got your time in here you might as well go to the classes. You’ve got to make that personal choice to do the studying and attend the classes, so I did and it led to me getting a job in the prison gym. So that’s what kind of spurred it on. I then got a job at a gym after leaving prison.
“When I wrote the book I made it as simple as possible – I am a bit dyslexic. I haven’t gone too scientific, I wrote it so it caters for everyone across the board. I wanted to make the book engaging, that’s why it’s got so many pictures. I meticulously drew all the images before getting them photographed.”
“Simple, buy the book!” says LJ “At the moment they’re being printed to order, which is quite expensive. If someone would like to be an investor, then I could get 3,000 copies printed, it would make everything much cheaper which would help greatly.
“Or if Angel Investors are in short supply, even anyone who’d like to advise me on how to potentially crowdfund the printing of 3,000 copies would help greatly too,” he continues.
For more information visit:
.If you’d like to join the Right to Read (and Write) campaign get in touch. Email or write to: Right to Read (and Write), GoDoSeeBuy!, The Big Issue, 1-5 Wandsworth Road, London SW8 2LN. Never miss campaign updates by simply signing up to receive our GoDoSeeBuy! mini-mag every week